Approx. size... 3 per sandwich
Blue crabs go through a molting process shedding its outer shell and leaving a delicate soft shell crab that is exploding with flavor. Several methods for preparing soft shell crabs are baked, sauteed, deep fried, or pan fried. Other ways of cooking will give equally tasty results. Live soft shell crabs are available from late spring to early fall with May through August the most productive months. Frozen are available year round. All soft shell crabs are cleaned, individually wrapped, frozen and ready for preparation.
Hotel Soft Crabs (Buy 2 Dozen Get 1 Dozen FREE) Handling & Preparation
Hotel Soft Crabs (Buy 2 Dozen Get 1 Dozen FREE) Recipes
Baked Softshell Crabs
- Ingredients:
- 12 softshell crabs
- 1/4 cup milk
- 3/4 cup flour
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 3/4 cup dry bread crumbs
Preparation Instructions:
Dress fresh crabs or thaw frozen crabs. Rinse in cold water; drain. Combine eggs, milk, salt. Combine flour and crumbs. Dip crabs in egg mixture and roll in flour/crumb mixture. For heavier breading, let crabs sit several minutes and repeat dipping-rolling procedure. Place crabs in a greased baking pan. Put a little butter on each crab and place the pan in a hot oven (400 degrees) for about 8 minutes. Serves 6.
Once you've cleaned the soft crab, you're ready to enjoy this gourmet delight. The most common preparation technique is fried, but this baked recipe will give equally tasty results.